What is Flex Application? ~ Adobe Flex Training
Adobe Flex Training: What is Flex Application?

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What is Flex Application?

So what exactly is Adobe Flex3?

A Flex Application delivered as a flash *.SWF file when it delivered to the web it wrapped in a generated HTML page, and when the same application is wrapped up and distributed for AIR deployment or in Desktop application, it’s generated down applications that can be installed locally on a windows, MAC or Linux based systems. Flex applications that delivered through the web browsers requires the flash player the client they require the most recent version of the flash player version 10.

Documents that are generated with Flash CS4, the most recent version of the Flash Development Environment. As a flash document, Flex Application gives you complete access to all Flash Tools, which might be used for working with the Flash Environment such as Drawing API and the ActionScript Programming Languages.

Flex Applications use ActionScript3, the most recent version of the ActionScript language and as such the compatible flash documents that might generate in the flash offering environment using ActionScript3.

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general manager said...

This is really good about flex training,..
" learning management system "

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