What is Flex3? ~ Adobe Flex Training
Adobe Flex Training: What is Flex3?

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What is Flex3?

So what exactly is Adobe Flex3?

Flex is Adobe Platform developing and deploying Rich Internet Applications, and beginning with the Flex 3, It’s also a platform for developing and deploying desktop applications, That would be deploying using the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), known as AIR.

Flex includes both free and commercial tools. The free tools are all parts of something called the Flex 3 SDK, a Software Development Kit. This is the set of tools, that you can download and deploy from the adobe and you can use them for free with out registering or license incurring costs. This SDK includes command line computers, the Flex class library, or the list of components, that are used to build the flex applications, and set of powerful debugging tools that you can use to debug and fine tune yours applications before you deliver them to the users.The commercial tools for Flex includes Flex Builders 3 IDE, That based on Eclipse workbench.

We are primarily using Flex Builder 3 to build Flex application to demonstrate, but all the applications that we develop, could also been built using the SDK, without incurring the licenses and cost.

There are also some server based products that are available from the Adobe, That have strong Flex integration tools, Life Cycle Data Services 2.5, is a java based application designed to run on top of the Java Enterprise Edition or J2EE servers.We can run LifeCycle Data Services on the top of the Web Spehere, Web Logic, JBoss and others J2EE Server Products, The BlazeDS, this is completely free Java based server products, that incorporates many popular features of LifeCycle Data Services, but for free. You can also use Cold Fusion 8 with Flex. Cold Fusion has powerful Flex integration features and we will be learning these features later during this training.

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